Join us for Pre-K & Kindergarten Round-Up on Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 5:30 p.m. See your school, meet the staff, and enroll your students! #bvillebruwin
Enrollment Information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jp2tj7gtRX8W2VQ29mofooQfOi2l2YIVFng-vw1yxLs/edit?usp=sharing

We hope to see you Friday at 6 for our Sock Hop themed BINGO. $1/regular games, and $5 for blackout cards. Pack of 10 regulars and 2 blackouts for $20.

Ms. Carter's son, Skyler, is having surgery tomorrow (Friday). It is the next step in his fight against bone cancer. We are inviting Hoover students to wear yellow in support of Ms. Carter and Skyler tomorrow. #SkylerStrong #Bvillebruwin

We appreciate our SRO!

For those used to accessing our breakfast and lunch menus via Sodexo MyWay or the So Happy app, soon those will be replaced by Nutrislice. We'll be updating the "Dining" option on our school campus websites once Nutrislice is ready to go.

We look forward to seeing you on February 9th!

We are close to 100!We have 75 pictures so far; we need 25 more. Look at these readers! #BruinsRead #Bvillebruwin

Regular in-person schedule on Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Distance Learning on Monday, January 22, 2024 due to expected icy road conditions. The procedures are at BPSLEARN.COM.

We are celebrating the 100th day of school on Wednesday, January 24th!

#Bruins Read #BvillebruWIN
We love seeing the pictures of Hoover students reading!

The 100th day of school is January 24th and we have multiple fun activities. All students are invited to dress up like they are 100 years old or with 100 items on their shirt. Another thing we are going to do is try to find 100 cozy places to read and/or 100 great books. A flier about this is posted here and will be coming home today. We can't wait to see all the pictures!

Bartlesville Public Schools will remain in Distance Learning on Wednesday, January 17, 2024.

Bartlesville Public Schools will be in Distance Learning on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 due to severe wind chill that would otherwise affect students at bus stops. See BPSLEARN.COM for Distance Learning procedures.
There will be no classes, in-person or virtual, on the already-scheduled inservice day on Monday, January 15.

Save the date!

Friends In Deed will again provide a free Christmas Day dinner from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Monday, December 25 at the Adams Blvd Church of Christ.
Third-Party Disclaimer: Bartlesville Public Schools is not sponsoring or endorsing this event.

The 2024 Bartlesville Polar Plunge, to benefit the district and state Special Olympics programs, will be on Saturday, January 27, 2024 at the Richard Kane YMCA. Registration is at https://www.classy.org/campaign/plunge-bartlesville-24/c543890

Correction to a previous post: The band concert on December 8 will be All-City.

Six holiday concerts will be held at the Fine Arts Center at Bartlesville High School at 18th & Hillcrest, and don't forget the Bartlesville Annual Christmas Parade downtown on Saturday, December 2 at 6:30 p.m.

The Sodexo Child Nutrition department for Bartlesville Public Schools is asking students and parents for feedback on its school meals at https://imo.cx/iwEgvcSn