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The Kiwanis Club of Bartlesville will host its annual Halloween Bash on Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 6 p.m. with free miniature golf, games, and candy at the Sooner Junior Miniature Golf Course southeast of the intersection of Madison and Tuxedo Boulevards.

Tomorrow, October 4th, is Walk to School Day! We encourage walking to school. If your child is a car rider, you could always park at Sooner Park and walk. Bus riders will get to walk during specials. We will have snacks and first responders in the front to welcome kids!

Here is our October Newsletter!

Next week is Homecoming week. We are dressing up to celebrate and to cheer the Bruins on to a victory!

Help us support United Way!

Bartlesville Wrestling Club (K-6th) mandatory parent meeting and registration

Would you like to send your student a “BIG” shoutout on the brand new “BRUINtron” video board at Custer Stadium during one of the upcoming home games? How about on our new video board in the field house during an upcoming volleyball match or basketball game? The BHS Sports Media Program is here to make that happen! Please follow the link below to our Bruin Sportsource website where you can learn more. Get out ahead of the crowd and get your screen time ordered today!

Fellowship Wesleyan Church is offering a free meal at 1pm on Sunday, September 24.

Our district is experiencing problems with the Remind App. Our technology department is aware and working with Remind to get the problem resolved. If you need to contact us, please call the school at 918-333-9337 or email the person you are trying to reach. We apologize for the inconvenience.

The Salvation Army Shield club is an after school program for children ages 6-12.
Children are picked up by the Salvation Army TEAM and transported to the program. The Shield Club offers a variety of activities, sports, arts & crafts, games, leisure skills, & character development. With questions regarding the Shield Club, please contact the main office at (918)336-6454.
Bartlesville Public Schools is not sponsoring, endorsing, or recommending the activities announced in this flyer. Student participation is voluntary and subject to parental approval.

Today, your child is bringing home a Parent Information Envelope letting you know about a safe and easy way for our school to raise funds for essential tools our students and teachers need to succeed.
The SchoolStore fundraiser is 100% online so there is NO face-to-face selling, handling money, or delivering products. Your participation will take less than 12 minutes, and there are exciting prizes to make it fun for the students.
Here is all you need to do to participate:
1. Go to https://www.schoolstore.net/sid.t?0000184632 to sign up.
2. Send form emails inviting family, friends and co-workers to support your child.
3. Return the Envelope with the Student Prize Code to school for your child to get their fun participation prize.
Be sure to ask your child for the Parent Envelope tonight. Your participation will make a difference for our school and teachers!
Kids will want to bring back their envelope with their unique prize code to get their slap bracelet.

We have a grandparent lunch this year. We highly encourage grandparents to get a badge before Friday to avoid long lines. If grandparents are getting their badge on Friday, please come early. There is no school on Monday due to Labor Day. Have a great weekend.

We look forward to seeing you!

We need your help to make our car line as efficient as possible. Ways you can help are 1. Remind your child to unbuckle once you are in the car line and moving at a slow speed and to have their backpack in hand. 2. Tell your child goodbye and then drive forward rather than waiting to watch them walk in. We promise to get them inside safely. 3. If you are parking in the north lot and walking your child across the cross walk, please use the car line. Walking in between the car line is not safe and it minimizes efficiency. Thank you for your help!

Bruins on the Run!
Clickable link: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1582/Athletics/937881/Bartlesville_Physical_2023-2024.pdf

Some school bus routes are changing for 2023-2024. You can look up your address at https://ewa.edulogweb.com/bartlesvilleok1web/webquery/ to see your routes. More information is at bpsbus.com.
If you live outside of the city limits and do not find a nearby stop, call the BPSD Transportation Department at 918-336-1733.
Special needs bus routes are still being worked on, and the Transportation Dept. will call those parents when they are finalized.
Classes begin on Thursday, August 10, 2023.

Back-to-School Immunization Clinic at the Washington County Health Department at 5121 SE Jacquelyn Lane on Tuesday, August 1 from 5-7 p.m.

Car Seat Checkup Event sponsored by the Washington County Health Department on Thursday, August 3 from 1-4 p.m. at Central Middle School at 815 Delware.