Thank you so much for helping our 3rd-5th graders get snacks for testing! Now that we have the students testing taken care of, we'd like to provide snacks for our younger grades on testing days as well. Why? Testing really is a whole school effort. Our younger grades take in extra students during this time and are gracious hosts. Let's show them some love through purchasing snacks for them as well. You can do that by using our schoolwide Amazon wish list or dropping of individually packaged snacks in the office. Thank you so much for your generosity!
3 days ago, Hoover Elementary
Bartlesville Area History Museum Spring Break Day Camp on March 18-19; register at This third-party event is not sponsored or endorsed by BPSD
10 days ago, BPSD
Spring Break Day Camp
The book fair will be open until 6:30pm this evening. We hope to see you there!
16 days ago, Hoover Elementary
Do you have a new student going into Pre-K in the fall? Join us for Pre-K Round-Up on Tues., Feb. 25 at 5:30 p.m. #bvillebruwin Enrollment Information:
18 days ago, BPSD
prek  round up flyer
School bus test drives have failed in some neighborhoods with no improvement expected on Friday morning, and the elementary Distance Learning packets are exhausted. So Bartlesville Public Schools will be closed on Friday, February 21, 2025 with NO Distance Learning.
21 days ago, BPSD
Schools Closed
Due to risk of frostbite on Thursday morning, Bartlesville Public Schools will be in Distance Learning on Thursday, February 20, 2025. We will resume in-person learning on Friday.
23 days ago, BPSD
Distance Learning Day
DISTANCE LEARNING on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Please follow the procedures at BPSLEARN.COM.
23 days ago, BPSD
Distance Learning
Schools CLOSED on Tuesday, February 18 due to inclement weather with NO Distance Learning. If conditions require weather days after Tuesday, those will be Distance Learning days using Chromebooks for students in grades 6-12 and using packets for elementary students.
24 days ago, BPSD
No School on 2/18/2025
Do you have a new student going into Pre-K in the fall? Join us for Pre-K Round-Up on Tues., Feb. 25 at 5:30 p.m. #bvillebruwin Enrollment Information:
25 days ago, BPSD
pre-k roundup flyer
Due to inclement weather, Bartlesville Public Schools will be closed on Thursday, February 13, 2025 with NO Distance Learning. We expect to return to in-person classes on Friday and then will have previously scheduled Distance Learning on Monday, February 17.
30 days ago, BPSD
Schools Closed
Bartlesville Public Schools will be in Distance Learning on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 due to inclement weather. Please follow the procedures at BPSLEARN.COM.
about 1 month ago, BPSD
Distance Learning
Do you have a new student going into Pre-K in the fall? Join us for Pre-K Round-Up on Tues., Feb. 25 at 5:30 p.m. #bvillebruwin Enrollment Information:
about 1 month ago, BPSD
pre-k roundup flyer
We are roudnin' up little Bruins! We hope you will join us in the Hoover gym for the event!
about 1 month ago, Hoover Elementary
It's a great time to be a Bruin! #bvillebruWIN
about 1 month ago, BPSD
job fair ad
You can order a Valentine gram before February 7th!
about 2 months ago, Hoover Elementary
We are almost 100 days brighter!
about 2 months ago, Hoover Elementary
100th day
Bartlesville Public Schools will be in DISTANCE LEARNING on Friday, January 10, 2025. Please follow the procedures at BPSLEARN.COM.
2 months ago, BPSD
Distance Learning
If the status of a student in your household has changed such that they might now qualify for displaced student services, please fill out the Google Form at More info:
2 months ago, BPSD
HANDS Program
The annual Friends In Deed free Christmas Day dinner will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Adams Blvd Church of Christ at 3700 Adams Blvd. To request transportation or to volunteer call 918-914-1152. Note that BPSD is not sponsoring this third-party non-profit event.
3 months ago, BPSD
Christmas Day Lunch
Hoover Elementary teacher Monta Hymel has been awarded a plaque and a $300 check for being selected a Bartlesville Teacher of the Month by Arvest Bank and Patriot Auto Group. #bvillebruwin
3 months ago, BPSD
Monta Hymel